Posts Tagged 'Lynn MA Children’s Dentist'

What to eat (and not eat) for happy teeth

Eating Right for Dental Health: What to Consume and Avoid

Dental health starts in the…kitchen? You read that correctly! Of course, brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits are important, but they aren’t the only things to consider when it comes to keeping your pearly whites in tiptop shape.

Most people understand that they should limit the sweets and candy they ...

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Teeth and gums (the chewing kind)

A Bite Out Of History: Chewing Gum

Need help whitening your teeth? Want to quit smoking? Trying to lose weight? There’s a chewing gum for all of that and more. New types of chewing gum are introduced all the time, but did you ever wonder how it managed to gain such a grip on consumers? Believe it or not, people have had a love affair with gum for thousands of years. From ...

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Top tips to keep young teeth healthy

7 Dental Hacks to Protect Your Child’s Smile

Take notes, tired parents! If you’ve all but emptied your bag of tricks to get your little one to brush and floss regularly, there are still a few more cards you can put up your sleeve to help keep smiles cavity-free.

Give these sneaky (yet proven) dental hacks a try to preserve your child’s oral health:

  1. ...
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Smart questions from smart patients

5 Smart Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Have a dental appointment scheduled sometime soon? Sit back, relax and get ready to open your mouth – but not just to have it examined! Taking your smile to the next level involves more than just a routine checkup and cleaning; for truly noticeable changes, you’ll need to start off by having an in-depth chat with your dentist. Make the most out of your next ...

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Dental checkups should not be brushed off

Dental Checkups: Why You Should Never Brush Them Off

Your teeth look and feel just fine, so what harm can there be in skipping one checkup? Plenty… and it’s not just a free toothbrush and dental samples you’ll miss! A lot can happen in just a short period of time, and the ramifications of canceling your semi-annual dental checkup can go beyond your oral health.

If you’ve ever doubted the necessity of regular ...

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Common dental emergencies

Dental 911: How to Handle Common Teeth Crises

Dental nightmares can come true, as much as you hope it doesn’t happen to you! If you’re lucky, a quick call to the dentist can get you seen immediately, but what happens if disaster strikes when the office is closed, you’re traveling, or some other less than ideal scenario? Find out how you can help manage the situation until you get the professional ...

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Best brushing tips

Back to Basics: Brushing Tips to Impress Your Dentist

You’ve been brushing for as long as you can remember, but could it be you’ve been doing it incorrectly all along? From the type of bristles you choose to the level of pressure you should place on your teeth, this step-by-step guide to better brushing is chock full of tips to help you get the ...

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Seven things that are bad for your teeth

Are You Guilty of Committing These 7 Dental Sins?

Brushing and flossing twice a day are two essential steps towards good oral health, but are other habits sabotaging your smile? From behavioral tendencies to choices you thought were smart or healthy…the tiniest slip-ups can be the most damaging. Double-check your daily routine to make sure it’s free of these common dental no-no’s.

  1. Over-Whitening

It seems ...

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A brief history of chewing gum

A Bite Out Of History: Chewing Gum

Need help whitening your teeth? Want to quit smoking? Trying to lose weight? There’s a chewing gum for all of that and more. New types of chewing gum are introduced all the time, but did you ever wonder how it managed to gain such a grip on consumers? Believe it or not, people have had a love affair with gum for thousands of years. From ...

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Xylitol – the sweetener you and your dentist will love

Xylitol: The Sweetener You and Your Dentist Will Love

Consider this a major score for your sweet tooth: dentists are taking back that hard and fast rule that gum and candy rot your teeth! A sweetener called Xylitol makes it possible to enjoy such treats guilt-free, while actually fighting cavities along the way.

For those who have long kept the candy aisle off limits or ...

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