Posts Tagged 'orthodontist'

Tooth myths – true or false?

Fact or Fiction?
Five Popular Tooth Myths Debunked

Forget the tooth fairy! Far too many tales are being told about teeth and it’s time to clear the air. Popular claims that range from scary to wacky and everything in between are about to be debunked. Find out if you’ve been acting on bad advice.

  1. “White teeth are healthy teeth.”

Pearlier does not necessarily mean healthier. ...

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What to eat (and not eat) for happy teeth

Eating Right for Dental Health: What to Consume and Avoid

Dental health starts in the…kitchen? You read that correctly! Of course, brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits are important, but they aren’t the only things to consider when it comes to keeping your pearly whites in tiptop shape.

Most people understand that they should limit the sweets and candy they ...

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What does a dry mouth mean?

Dry Mouth: Is It Sneaking Past Your Radar?

A dental epidemic is brewing, and it’s called Xerostomia, or “Dry Mouth”. It sounds innocuous enough, and perhaps that is why many people affected by the problem fail to treat it, or detect it altogether. But it’s nothing to scoff at, especially considering that extreme cases of this widespread problem include difficulty swallowing, speaking, and in ...

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Dental checkups should not be brushed off

Dental Checkups: Why You Should Never Brush Them Off

Your teeth look and feel just fine, so what harm can there be in skipping one checkup? Plenty… and it’s not just a free toothbrush and dental samples you’ll miss! A lot can happen in just a short period of time, and the ramifications of canceling your semi-annual dental checkup can go beyond your oral health.

If you’ve ever doubted the necessity of regular ...

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Xylitol – the sweetener you and your dentist will love

Xylitol: The Sweetener You and Your Dentist Will Love

Consider this a major score for your sweet tooth: dentists are taking back that hard and fast rule that gum and candy rot your teeth! A sweetener called Xylitol makes it possible to enjoy such treats guilt-free, while actually fighting cavities along the way.

For those who have long kept the candy aisle off limits or ...

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Wisdom teeth removal – what you can expect

Wisdom Teeth Removal: What You Can Expect

Just the phrase “wisdom teeth removal” is enough to make your mouth hurt, but do you actually know what to expect during and after the procedure? Taking the time to learn more about it can reduce anxiety and help you better prepare for recovery.

Regardless of whether you’re getting some or all of your wisdom teeth removed, the information below will give you an inside look ...

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What is plaque and how to fight back

What is Plaque? How to Fight Back!

Have you ever run your tongue across the front of your teeth and felt a sticky coating? That is the buildup of bacteria, also known as plaque. If you let the bacteria stick around too long, it can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities.

The bacteria is called flora — and it protects you from pathogenic organisms, the ones that cause disease. The flora in ...

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To floss or not to floss: that is the question

To Floss or Not to Floss? That is the Question

Every six months, you visit your dentist for a regular checkup, hear about the importance of flossing, and promise you’ll start doing it daily. Naturally, you intend to follow through, but for many, this promise falls to the wayside.

While some still ponder the idea of whether they should be flossing or not, the real question should be “how much should I floss ...

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The buzz on braces for adults

The Buzz on Braces for Adults: 5 Things You Should Know

Wish you could go back in time to straighten your teeth? Good news: the ship hasn’t sailed for that dream just yet! More and more adults are heading to the orthodontist’s office to get the smile they’ve always wanted.

If news about the topic or a passerby with braces has left you wanting to ...

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Straight talk – the best time for braces

Straight Talk: The Best Time for Braces

Is your child starting to lose baby teeth? If so, you might want to shift your focus from playing the tooth fairy to researching orthodontists.

Scheduling an examination for braces is probably not as fun as putting money under your child’s pillow, but based on new developments – as well as advice from the American Academy of Orthodontics ...

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