Posts Tagged 'Lynn MA Children’s Dentist'

Taste loss – could it be a dental problem?

Taste Loss: Could It Be a Dental Problem?

Most people know that poor oral hygiene results in cavities and gum disease, but did you know that it can also cause taste loss? From salty to sweet, spicy to savory – failing to take proper care of your mouth can impede your ability to taste and enjoy just about any type of food set before you. Dentists call this condition “dysguesia”, and if you haven’t heard about it, here’s what you should ...

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5 steps to solving the sweets problem

Parent’s Cheat Sheet: 5 Steps to Solving the Sweets Problem

Birthday celebrations, holidays, and countless school or extracurricular activities in between children’s social calendars can seem like endless fun, until you realize they can also translate into a non-stop, cavity-inducing sugar high. This doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that your child is destined for a long list of dental problems. Use this dental cheat sheet when a special occasion arises to keep his or her smile cavity-free. Continue Reading →


Your child’s sippy cup – friend or foe?

Your Child’s Sippy Cup: Is it a Friend or Foe?

Shaped like your child’s favorite action heroes and in every vibrant color imaginable, sippy cups seem like an innocent way to prevent spills. But with increased cavities and speech issues abound, pediatric dentists have recent research suggesting that what was once a friend is now a foe.

Of course, sippy cups can play an integral role in your child’s development. But in ...

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Sealants: A simple way to fight decay

Sealants: A Simple Way to Fight Tooth Decay

Does it feel like pulling teeth to get your child to brush and floss every day? Instilling good hygiene in your little one can often be a struggle, but you don’t have to fight this battle alone! Pediatric dentists can help you win the war on tooth decay simply by applying a protective barrier, or “sealant”, to the surface of your child’s teeth.

Invisible yet effective, this just might be the secret weapon you’ve ...

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6 ways medicine can sabotage your smile

Mind Your Meds: 6 Ways Medicine Can Sabotage Your Smile

Be honest: do you take the time to read through the lengthy medical pamphlets attached to your medications? If you thought the warning label on the back of the bottle had everything covered, think again! Often, there simply isn’t enough space to spell out every side effect on the container, and you could be overlooking important warnings to the detriment of your dental health. Should any of these oral symptoms suddenly ...

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Receding gums: Are your teeth in peril?

Receding Gums: Are Your Teeth in Peril?

No cavities, no problem, right? Wrong! Even the straightest and whitest of teeth can fall prey to a serious case of receding gums, a common condition that can sneak up and do some damage before many individuals realize it’s even a problem.

While a surefire way to detect and treat it is with regular visits to the dentist, meticulous at-home monitoring and preventative care is also a great line of defense. Here’s what you should ...

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Evaluating floss alternatives

Not a Fan of Flossing? Try These Alternatives.

First there was the toothpick, then there was floss, and now there are a bevy of new dental tools making their way to the shelves of your local stores. Why the need to keep innovating? Simply put: plaque removal is just not fun…but these alternatives sure help!

For those fed up with flossing, or the many who fail to follow through with it altogether, gingivitis ...

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The story on canker sores

Mystery Solved: The Story on Canker Sores

Canker sores are quite literally a sensitive issue, but someone has to talk about it! What are canker sores (or “stomatitis”), why do they appear, and what can be done about them? Anyone who’s ever had mouth sores can attest to the fact that they are just as embarrassing as they are painful, but simply suffering through them does you no good. Get the facts on this common problem to take control of the ...

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Sealants: Stop cavities before they begin

Sealants: Stop Cavities Before They Begin

Imagine you could protect your smile and preserve good oral health. Would you do it? In all likelihood the answer is yes and, with sealants, you can.

Few oral issues can be fully preempted or prevented. After all, genetics and other factors can play a role in whether or not you develop cavities or more serious dental complications. But with sealants, you can prevent cavities for up ...

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5 tips to manage your child’s dental anxiety

5 Tips to Manage Your Child’s Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is prevalent among young children and, in many cases, can stem from an adult’s own dental fears (whether you recognize them or not). If left unmanaged, going to the dentist can become an unpleasant ordeal for children. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

As a parent, you can take steps to manage your children’s dental anxiety before it interferes with oral health. This will help ensure they have a beautiful, ...

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