Posts Tagged 'toothbrush'

Brushing tips to impress your dentist

Back to Basics: Brushing Tips to Impress Your Dentist

You’ve been brushing for as long as you can remember, but could it be you’ve been doing it incorrectly all along? From the type of bristles you choose to the level of pressure you should place on your teeth, this step-by-step guide to better brushing is chock full of tips to help you get the most out of your dental routine.

Step 1: Pick the right products.

Just as everyone’s dental situation is different, ...

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Are you and your toothpaste compatible?

Are You And Your Toothpaste Compatible? Find Out!

Brushing your teeth is a no-brainer, but did you know that the type of toothpaste you use could have a big impact on your smile? Whether your teeth are extra sensitive, need added protection, or could simply use a boost in the looks department, chances are there’s a toothpaste out there that fits the bill.

Use this detailed guide to help you pick the perfect paste (or gel) for your pearly whites.

Why Toothpaste Is ...

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7 Surprising Foods That Are Staining Your Teeth

7 Surprising Foods That Are Staining Your TeethStains

Wine, coffee and tea–it’s the trifecta of tooth-staining foods that almost everyone knows to avoid in order to protect their pearly whites. These beverages, however, are just the beginning of a long list of foods that can sabotage your smile, and chances are that many are flying undetected right under your very nose! From condiments to candy, put these sneaky offenders on your radar ...

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Happy Halloween (for your teeth)

Halloween is right around the corner.  When all the excitement over costumes, candy and fun dies down, don’t forget that your children’s teeth might need a little extra attention.  After all, you want their teeth to be looking and feeling as good in November as they were in October.

The American Dental Association’s Mouth Healthy website has a great collection of tips for keeping mouths healthy around Halloween and all year long.  Those tips are listed below.  Continue Reading →


Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Have you heard of “baby bottle tooth decay” or “bottle rot”?  Parents know they don’t want their children to have it, but many don’t know how it happens or what they can do to prevent it.

Baby teeth, even when they first arrive in the mouth, are susceptible to tooth decay.  It is important to protect these teeth from decay so a child’s smile will look good, feel good and function properly.  The baby teeth are essential for eating, speech development, ...

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Wisdom teeth

Our teenage patients are usually aware of the existence of wisdom teeth and commonly ask questions about them.  Those questions almost always involve some variation on, “Do I need to have them removed?” and “Will it hurt?”.

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that grow into our mouths, most commonly between the ages of 18 and 20.  By the time these teeth are ready to erupt into the mouth, there are usually 28 adult teeth already present.  If there ...

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Myths and facts about cavities, part 3

The internet is full of information and misinformation about oral health.  It is often difficult to know if the information you’re reading online is fact or fiction.  WebMD has an entire section devoted to healthy teeth and included in this section is an article entitled, “15 Myths and Facts About Cavities.”  While this article isn’t specifically written about ...

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Myths and facts about cavities, part 2

The internet is full of information and misinformation about oral health.  It is often difficult to know if the information you’re reading online is fact or fiction.  WebMD has an entire section devoted to healthy teeth and included in this section is an article entitled, “15 Myths and Facts About Cavities.”  While this article isn’t specifically written about children’s teeth, many of the myths and ...

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Myths and facts about cavities, part 1

The internet is full of information and misinformation about oral health.  It is often difficult to know if the information you’re reading online is fact or fiction.  WebMD has an entire section devoted to healthy teeth and included in this section is an article entitled, “15 ...

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Gummy vitamins and your teeth

If your memory of taking vitamins as a child involves a small, chalky version of Fred Flintstone, you are not alone.  Today, gummy vitamins have become the most popular form of multivitamin for ...

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