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The story on soda

The Story on Soda:
Your Soft Drink Questions Answered

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the reality is that no matter how refreshing that sweet, fizzy soda (or “pop”) tastes, there’s a chance it could be doing some damage to your teeth. But with so many products on the market, are they all really that bad for you?

Answers to some of your most pressing soft drink questions are about to be ...

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The mouthwash mistake you could be making

The Mouthwash Mistake You Could Be Making

It can freshen up your breath faster than brushing, but does mouthwash really make a big difference when it comes to your oral health? You may be surprised to find that looks–or in this case, smells–can be deceiving! Oral rinses are not created equal, and if you’re not careful, some can actually be more harmful than helpful. ...

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The dirt on “dragon breath” and how to slay it for good

The Dirt on “Dragon Breath” And How to Slay It for Good

There’s a reason people commonly refer to halitosis as “dragon breath”: it’s a beast of an oral health problem that can put off anyone within close range! Mints and mouthwashes can mask the issue, but in order to truly defeat it, you’ll need to treat the underlying cause.

If you’ve dealt with morning breath, or struggle with bad breath throughout the ...

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The buzz on braces for adults

The Buzz on Braces for Adults: 5 Things You Should Know

Wish you could go back in time to straighten your teeth? Good news: the ship hasn’t sailed for that dream just yet! More and more adults are heading to the orthodontist’s office to get the smile they’ve always wanted.

If news about the topic or a passerby with braces has left you wanting to ...

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Teeth trauma – it’s a sensitive issue

You’re not imagining it. That sudden twinge of pain in one or more of your teeth can, in fact, be caused by something as simple as a blast of wind, a bite of something fresh from the oven, or (what was supposed to be) a cool, refreshing treat.

You may have sensitive teeth, and if so, the problem could be here to stay. ...

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Teeth grinding – causes and more

Teeth Grinding: Causes and Preventative Care Steps You Can Take

Whether you’re stressed or just anxious, teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, comes in many shapes and forms. And while the occasional grinding doesn’t hurt and is quite common, constant grinding can wear down your health in more ways than one.

The worst part of the condition is that it can be difficult to know ...

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Taste loss – could it be a dental problem?

Taste Loss: Could It Be a Dental Problem?

Most people know that poor oral hygiene results in cavities and gum disease, but did you know that it can also cause taste loss? From salty to sweet, spicy to savory – failing to take proper care of your mouth can impede your ability to taste and enjoy just about any type of food set before you. Dentists call this condition “dysguesia”, and if you haven’t heard about it, here’s what you should ...

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5 steps to solving the sweets problem

Parent’s Cheat Sheet: 5 Steps to Solving the Sweets Problem

Birthday celebrations, holidays, and countless school or extracurricular activities in between children’s social calendars can seem like endless fun, until you realize they can also translate into a non-stop, cavity-inducing sugar high. This doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that your child is destined for a long list of dental problems. Use this dental cheat sheet when a special occasion arises to keep his or her smile cavity-free. Continue Reading →


Straight talk – the best time for braces

Straight Talk: The Best Time for Braces

Is your child starting to lose baby teeth? If so, you might want to shift your focus from playing the tooth fairy to researching orthodontists.

Scheduling an examination for braces is probably not as fun as putting money under your child’s pillow, but based on new developments – as well as advice from the American Academy of Orthodontics ...

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Smoking and your mouth

Smoking, Your Mouth, and Your Health

There are no ifs, ands, or “butts” about it: smoking can be detrimental to oral health. Beyond the bad breath and yellow teeth, do you really know what you’re getting yourself into by smoking every day? Probably not.

There are quite a few uncertainties surrounding smoking and oral health, especially as tobacco alternatives become more prevalent in the market. Smoking, your mouth, and your health are deeply ...

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