Posts Tagged 'Flossing'

5 Ways to Fresher Breath in the Morning

5 Ways to Fresher Breath in the MorningBreath

Love waking up to the smell of coffee? Think twice before you reach for a cup! Your daily dose of Joe — and other habits that can easily escape your notice — could be giving you a bad case of morning breath. But fear not! Bad breath, or “halitosis”, doesn’t have to ruin your day. Nip the problem in the (taste)buds by giving ...

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Happy Halloween (for your teeth)

Halloween is right around the corner.  When all the excitement over costumes, candy and fun dies down, don’t forget that your children’s teeth might need a little extra attention.  After all, you want their teeth to be looking and feeling as good in November as they were in October.

The American Dental Association’s Mouth Healthy website has a great collection of tips for keeping mouths healthy around Halloween and all year long.  Those tips are listed below.  Continue Reading →


Myths and facts about cavities, part 3

The internet is full of information and misinformation about oral health.  It is often difficult to know if the information you’re reading online is fact or fiction.  WebMD has an entire section devoted to healthy teeth and included in this section is an article entitled, “15 Myths and Facts About Cavities.”  While this article isn’t specifically written about ...

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Myths and facts about cavities, part 2

The internet is full of information and misinformation about oral health.  It is often difficult to know if the information you’re reading online is fact or fiction.  WebMD has an entire section devoted to healthy teeth and included in this section is an article entitled, “15 Myths and Facts About Cavities.”  While this article isn’t specifically written about children’s teeth, many of the myths and ...

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Myths and facts about cavities, part 1

The internet is full of information and misinformation about oral health.  It is often difficult to know if the information you’re reading online is fact or fiction.  WebMD has an entire section devoted to healthy teeth and included in this section is an article entitled, “15 ...

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During the past year, you may have seen ads online, in magazines or on TV promoting the Kids’ Healthy Mouths campaign.  The centerpiece of this campaign is the informational website which is full of helpful tips for creating and maintaining healthy smiles.  It even includes 2 minute videos for kids to watch while they’re brushing so they’ll know when they’ve brushed long enough.

The Kids’ Healthy Mouths page ...

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Springtime: baseball and flossing

When you think of springtime, what comes to mind?  Like most of you, the staff at Salem Pediatric Dental & Orthodontic Associates think of warmer temperatures, longer days and flowers.  We also think of spring training baseball and flossing teeth.  What’s the connection between baseball and flossing?  If you have ever attended a Lowell Spinners baseball game, you know that they feature creative entertainment and promotions for their fans.  Check out this unusual attempt at setting a world ...

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