Posts Tagged 'Orajel'

3 easy steps to caring for your infant’s teeth

How to Care for Your Infant’s Oral Health

Teeth or no teeth, your infant’s oral health should always be a top priority. But, how are you supposed to care for your baby’s teeth? There are numerous steps to take and each serves an important purpose in preparing your baby for a future smile he or she will be glad to show off.

First: Caring for Your Baby’s Gums

Although your baby is born ...

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You and your toothpaste

Are You And Your Toothpaste Compatible? Find Out!

Brushing your teeth is a no-brainer, but did you know that the type of toothpaste you use could have a big impact on your smile? Whether your teeth are extra sensitive, need added protection, or could simply use a boost in the looks department, chances are there’s a toothpaste out there that fits the bill.

Use this detailed guide to help you pick the perfect ...

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Understanding pediatric fluoride treatment

Understanding Pediatric Fluoride Treatment

It’s undeniable that fluoride has played a major role in the decline of dental cavities in the United States. However, what isn’t so clear to many parents is whether or not fluoride treatments are safe and/or beneficial for children.

After all, children receive fluoride on a regular basis from many different types of foods and even water. Through these sources alone, minerals lost due to plaque, bacteria, and sugars ...

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How to care for your infant’s oral health

How to Care for Your Infant’s Oral Health

Teeth or no teeth, your infant’s oral health should always be a top priority. But, how are you supposed to care for your baby’s teeth? There are numerous steps to take and each serves an important purpose in preparing your baby for a future smile he or she will be glad to show off.

First: Caring for Your Baby’s Gums

Although your baby is born without ...

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A Child’s First Visit

A Child’s First Visit to the DentistFirst Visit

It can be shocking to many parents, if not perplexing: many dentists now recommend you schedule your child’s first visit before he or she turns one. Before you brush it off as a bit of overzealous advice, you should know it’s supported by the American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry—and with good reason!

Besides setting your child on a lifelong path of ...

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Don’t use Orajel for your teething baby

If your baby is around 6 months of age and is keeping you up at night, they are probably experiencing teething pain.  Classic signs of the impending arrival of new teeth include sore or tender gums, drooling, chewing on hard objects and irritability.

As a parent, you want to do whatever you can to help relieve the pain and soothe your baby.  After all, a sleepless, cranky baby affects the whole family.  Here are some tips to soothe sore gums:

  • Gently rub ...
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