Posts Tagged 'braces'

Seven things that are bad for your teeth

Are You Guilty of Committing These 7 Dental Sins?

Brushing and flossing twice a day are two essential steps towards good oral health, but are other habits sabotaging your smile? From behavioral tendencies to choices you thought were smart or healthy…the tiniest slip-ups can be the most damaging. Double-check your daily routine to make sure it’s free of these common dental no-no’s.

  1. Over-Whitening

It seems ...

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You and your toothpaste

Are You And Your Toothpaste Compatible? Find Out!

Brushing your teeth is a no-brainer, but did you know that the type of toothpaste you use could have a big impact on your smile? Whether your teeth are extra sensitive, need added protection, or could simply use a boost in the looks department, chances are there’s a toothpaste out there that fits the bill.

Use this detailed guide to help you pick the ...

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A brief history of chewing gum

A Bite Out Of History: Chewing Gum

Need help whitening your teeth? Want to quit smoking? Trying to lose weight? There’s a chewing gum for all of that and more. New types of chewing gum are introduced all the time, but did you ever wonder how it managed to gain such a grip on consumers? Believe it or not, people have had a love affair with gum for thousands of years. From ...

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Wisdom teeth removal – what you can expect

Wisdom Teeth Removal: What You Can Expect

Just the phrase “wisdom teeth removal” is enough to make your mouth hurt, but do you actually know what to expect during and after the procedure? Taking the time to learn more about it can reduce anxiety and help you better prepare for recovery.

Regardless of whether you’re getting some or all of your wisdom teeth removed, the information below will give you an inside look ...

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TMJ: It’s nothing to yawn about

TMJ: It’s Nothing to Yawn About

Have you been ignoring that clicking sound coming from your jaw? Or are you quick to dismiss the stiff, achy feeling your mouth has in the morning? Don’t let these things go unchecked! You might find yourself in for a rude awakening.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (“TMJ” or “TMD”), a serious condition affecting the connective joint between the skull and jaw, often gets overlooked until it becomes severe. ...

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The buzz on braces for adults

The Buzz on Braces for Adults: 5 Things You Should Know

Wish you could go back in time to straighten your teeth? Good news: the ship hasn’t sailed for that dream just yet! More and more adults are heading to the orthodontist’s office to get the smile they’ve always wanted.

If news about the topic or a passerby with braces has left you wanting to ...

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Straight talk – the best time for braces

Straight Talk: The Best Time for Braces

Is your child starting to lose baby teeth? If so, you might want to shift your focus from playing the tooth fairy to researching orthodontists.

Scheduling an examination for braces is probably not as fun as putting money under your child’s pillow, but based on new developments – as well as advice from the American Academy of Orthodontics ...

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Simple ways to stop thumb sucking

No Crying Necessary: Simple Ways to Stop Thumb Sucking

At first it was adorable, but now it has become worrisome. Starting to fear your child is addicted to thumb sucking? Push those worst-case scenarios and harsh weaning tactics from your mind. Here is the truth about the dental risks, when it is necessary to intervene, and effective ways to break the habit for good.

Long-Term Effects of Non-Nutritive Sucking

Prolonged sucking can ultimately lead ...

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Flossing, brushing and beyond – care for teeth with braces

Flossing, Brushing, and Beyond: How to Care for Teeth with Braces

Somewhere between the braces, wires, and rubber bands in your mouth lie your teeth, but how do you get to them? Often, braces prove to be quite the obstacle when you want to brush, floss, or otherwise care for the beautiful, straight smile-in-progress. But this beautiful smile won’t be possible without proper care.

Lucky ...

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Eating right for dental health

Eating Right for Dental Health: What to Consume and Avoid

Dental health starts in the…kitchen? You read that correctly! Of course, brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits are important, but they aren’t the only things to consider when it comes to keeping your pearly whites in tiptop shape.

Most people understand that they should limit the sweets and candy they take ...

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