Posts Tagged 'brush teeth'

Teeth grinding – causes and more

Teeth Grinding: Causes and Preventative Care Steps You Can Take

Whether you’re stressed or just anxious, teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, comes in many shapes and forms. And while the occasional grinding doesn’t hurt and is quite common, constant grinding can wear down your health in more ways than one.

The worst part of the condition is that it can be difficult to ...

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Taste loss – could it be a dental problem?

Taste Loss: Could It Be a Dental Problem?

Most people know that poor oral hygiene results in cavities and gum disease, but did you know that it can also cause taste loss? From salty to sweet, spicy to savory – failing to take proper care of your mouth can impede your ability to taste and enjoy just about any type of food set before you. Dentists call this condition “dysguesia”, and if you haven’t heard about it, here’s what you should ...

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Evaluating floss alternatives

Not a Fan of Flossing? Try These Alternatives.

First there was the toothpick, then there was floss, and now there are a bevy of new dental tools making their way to the shelves of your local stores. Why the need to keep innovating? Simply put: plaque removal is just not fun…but these alternatives sure help!

For those fed up with flossing, or the many who fail to follow through with it altogether, gingivitis ...

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The story on canker sores

Mystery Solved: The Story on Canker Sores

Canker sores are quite literally a sensitive issue, but someone has to talk about it! What are canker sores (or “stomatitis”), why do they appear, and what can be done about them? Anyone who’s ever had mouth sores can attest to the fact that they are just as embarrassing as they are painful, but simply suffering through them does you no good. Get the facts on this common problem to take control of the ...

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Sealants: Stop cavities before they begin

Sealants: Stop Cavities Before They Begin

Imagine you could protect your smile and preserve good oral health. Would you do it? In all likelihood the answer is yes and, with sealants, you can.

Few oral issues can be fully preempted or prevented. After all, genetics and other factors can play a role in whether or not you develop cavities or more serious dental complications. But with sealants, you can prevent cavities for up ...

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In defense of root canals – the unsung hero of dental care

In Defense of Root Canals: The Unsung Hero of Dental Care

Think you might need a root canal? It’s not the end of the world, nor is it as torturous as you might think! Even though a root canal is usually the last resort for decayed teeth, when compared with other alternatives, it’s quite practical and cost-effective.

Put your fears to rest by discovering the truth about this much-maligned treatment, and find out ...

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High tech toothbrushes – Is it worth going electric?

High-Tech Toothbrushes: Is It Worth Going Electric?

The verdict is in: electric toothbrushes are here to stay, and they mean business for your teeth! By now, you’ve probably seen them on the shelves, on TV or in magazines. Dentists endorse them, and most are ADA-approved — but if you still swear by your manual toothbrush, these benefits just might convince you otherwise.

The Pros Of ...

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Gum removal – Going to great lengths for your smile

Gum Removal: Going to Great Lengths for Your Smile

Unless you were blessed with a perfect smile, something’s usually got to give in order to improve it…even your gums! Dentists call it “crown lengthening”, but if you’re worried this means you’ll walk away with receded gums, it’s not what you think. In certain cases, less gums are actually a GOOD thing – and if your dentist has confirmed you are a candidate ...

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Eating right for dental health

Eating Right for Dental Health: What to Consume and Avoid

Dental health starts in the…kitchen? You read that correctly! Of course, brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits are important, but they aren’t the only things to consider when it comes to keeping your pearly whites in tiptop shape.

Most people understand that they should limit the sweets and candy they take ...

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Dry mouth – is it sneaking past your radar?

Dry Mouth: Is It Sneaking Past Your Radar?

A dental epidemic is brewing, and it’s called Xerostomia, or “Dry Mouth”. It sounds innocuous enough, and perhaps that is why many people affected by the problem fail to treat it, or detect it altogether. But it’s nothing to scoff at, especially considering that extreme cases of this widespread problem include difficulty swallowing, speaking, and in some instances, bacterial or fungal infection.

Even if you ...

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