Posts Tagged 'candy'

8 Everyday Habits That Harm Your Smile

8 Everyday Habits That Harm Your SmileHabits

Your teeth are supposed to last a lifetime. But some common habits could be reducing the durability of your teeth without you even realizing it.

By recognizing the habits that can compromise the structure and health of your smile, you can take steps to protect it.

  1. Avoiding Regular Dental Care

Many individuals skip regular dental cleanings or avoid getting necessary procedures due to anxiety, a ...

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7 Dental Hacks to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

7 Dental Hacks to Protect Your Child’s SmileHacks

Take notes, tired parents! If you’ve all but emptied your bag of tricks to get your little one to brush and floss regularly, there are still a few more cards you can put up your sleeve to help keep smiles cavity-free.

Give these sneaky (yet proven) dental hacks a try to preserve your child’s oral health:

  1. Have teeth coated with dental sealant.

Typically used to ...

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Happy Halloween (for your teeth)

Halloween is right around the corner.  When all the excitement over costumes, candy and fun dies down, don’t forget that your children’s teeth might need a little extra attention.  After all, you want their teeth to be looking and feeling as good in November as they were in October.

The American Dental Association’s Mouth Healthy website has a great collection of tips for keeping mouths healthy around Halloween and all year long.  Those tips are listed below.  Continue Reading →


Myths and facts about cavities, part 1

The internet is full of information and misinformation about oral health.  It is often difficult to know if the information you’re reading online is fact or fiction.  WebMD has an entire section devoted to healthy teeth and included in this section is an article entitled, “15 ...

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Gummy vitamins and your teeth

If your memory of taking vitamins as a child involves a small, chalky version of Fred Flintstone, you are not alone.  Today, gummy vitamins have become the most popular form of multivitamin for ...

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The Switch Witch

Halloween is finally behind us and you can once again find parking in downtown Salem.  But now you may be faced with a new problem:  too much candy at home.  Your children may have gone trick-or-treating multiple times and many homes now feature candy stashed in a wide variety of locations.  Many patients this week have been talking about the incredible numbers of goodies they collected and all the creative places they’ve hidden those treats.  As those treats are slowly ...

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