Posts Tagged 'cavities'

Health clues can be found in your mouth

Dentist or Detective?  Major Health Clues Your Mouth Provides

Chew on this for a minute: just by glancing inside your mouth, your dentist can tell you a number of things that may be news to you and your doctor! Surprising as it may sound, your oral health can speak volumes about the rest of your body, and something as simple as a routine dental checkup can benefit your health and wallet big ...

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Common dental emergencies

Dental 911: How to Handle Common Teeth Crises

Dental nightmares can come true, as much as you hope it doesn’t happen to you! If you’re lucky, a quick call to the dentist can get you seen immediately, but what happens if disaster strikes when the office is closed, you’re traveling, or some other less than ideal scenario? Find out how you can help manage the situation until you get the professional ...

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Best brushing tips

Back to Basics: Brushing Tips to Impress Your Dentist

You’ve been brushing for as long as you can remember, but could it be you’ve been doing it incorrectly all along? From the type of bristles you choose to the level of pressure you should place on your teeth, this step-by-step guide to better brushing is chock full of tips to help you get ...

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Baby teeth and hygiene

Baby Teeth and Bad Hygiene: What’s There to Lose?

Don’t fall for it, parents! Just because baby teeth are temporary doesn’t mean they don’t matter. Despite what naysayers and wishful thinkers might have you believe, forgetting to care for primary teeth comes at a steep price for your child.

If you’re questioning whether it’s worth wrangling your little one into a dental routine now, these facts prove that adopting good habits early on ...

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Adult anxiety and the dentist

Adult Dental Anxiety: Tips and Techniques to Tackle It for Good

Wouldn’t it be great if the promise of a sticker or balloon could get everyone to see the dentist? Most adults know that the real reward–a healthy smile–is much greater, yet many still go with their dental needs unmet, due to “dentalphobia” or anxiety. Thankfully, increased awareness of the problem is transforming dental ...

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Understanding pediatric fluoride treatment

Understanding Pediatric Fluoride Treatment

It’s undeniable that fluoride has played a major role in the decline of dental cavities in the United States. However, what isn’t so clear to many parents is whether or not fluoride treatments are safe and/or beneficial for children.

After all, children receive fluoride on a regular basis from many different types of foods and even water. Through these sources alone, minerals lost due to plaque, bacteria, and sugars ...

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Toothache trouble – how to make the wait less painful

Toothache Trouble? How to Make the Wait Less Painful

It can happen to anyone: the sudden onset of a throbbing toothache at the most inconvenient of times. Perhaps it arrives in the middle of the night, or worse, at the start of your weekend–when a whole lot of time and agony seem to stand between you and the next available dentist appointment.

You’ll live, of ...

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To floss or not to floss: that is the question

To Floss or Not to Floss? That is the Question

Every six months, you visit your dentist for a regular checkup, hear about the importance of flossing, and promise you’ll start doing it daily. Naturally, you intend to follow through, but for many, this promise falls to the wayside.

While some still ponder the idea of whether they should be flossing or not, the real question should be “how much should I floss ...

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The story on soda

The Story on Soda:
Your Soft Drink Questions Answered

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the reality is that no matter how refreshing that sweet, fizzy soda (or “pop”) tastes, there’s a chance it could be doing some damage to your teeth. But with so many products on the market, are they all really that bad for you?

Answers to some of your most pressing soft drink questions are about to be answered. ...

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The dirt on “dragon breath” and how to slay it for good

The Dirt on “Dragon Breath” And How to Slay It for Good

There’s a reason people commonly refer to halitosis as “dragon breath”: it’s a beast of an oral health problem that can put off anyone within close range! Mints and mouthwashes can mask the issue, but in order to truly defeat it, you’ll need to treat the underlying cause.

If you’ve dealt with morning breath, or struggle with bad breath throughout the ...

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