Posts Tagged 'Danvers MA Children’s Dentist'

Baby teeth and bad hygiene

Baby Teeth and Bad Hygiene:
What’s There to Lose?

Don’t fall for it, parents! Just because baby teeth are temporary doesn’t mean they don’t matter. Despite what naysayers and wishful thinkers might have you believe, forgetting to care for primary teeth comes at a steep price for your child.

If you’re questioning whether it’s worth wrangling your little one into a dental routine now, these facts prove that adopting good habits early on can pay off big time for your child’s oral ...

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7 dental sins

Are You Guilty of Committing These 7 Dental Sins?

Brushing and flossing twice a day are two essential steps towards good oral health, but are other habits sabotaging your smile? From behavioral tendencies to choices you thought were smart or healthy…the tiniest slip-ups can be the most damaging. Double-check your daily routine to make sure it’s free of these common dental no-no’s.

  1. Over-Whitening

It seems almost every type of dental product you can imagine is now available with whitening ingredients, but too much ...

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About adult dental anxiety

Adult Dental Anxiety: Tips and Techniques to Tackle It for Good

Wouldn’t it be great if the promise of a sticker or balloon could get everyone to see the dentist? Most adults know that the real reward–a healthy smile–is much greater, yet many still go with their dental needs unmet, due to “dentalphobia” or anxiety. Thankfully, increased awareness of the problem is transforming dental care for the better, and shedding light on effective ways to tackle your fears for good. Find ...

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5 Ways to Fresher Breath in the Morning

5 Ways to Fresher Breath in the MorningBreath

Love waking up to the smell of coffee? Think twice before you reach for a cup! Your daily dose of Joe — and other habits that can easily escape your notice — could be giving you a bad case of morning breath. But fear not! Bad breath, or “halitosis”, doesn’t have to ruin your day. Nip the problem in the (taste)buds by giving these ...

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4 Dental Do’s For Expectant Mothers

4 Dental Do’s For Expectant MothersPregnant

Free up some time in your calendars, moms-to-be! The OB-GYN visits may be coming fast and furious, but believe it or not, there’s someone else you need to be seeing to protect your health and that of your baby: your dentist.

All the changes that come with your rapidly growing bump — and perhaps some common, yet misplaced fears — may tempt you to put a nine-month ...

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Prevent cavities

Tooth decay can begin as soon as a baby’s teeth come in.  Decay in baby teeth can cause pain.  If decay is not treated, it can destroy your child’s teeth.  An abscess (pus filled sac) from an untreated cavity can cause serious or even deadly infections.  And children with tooth decay may have trouble eating, so they don’t get enough vitamins and minerals to grow up healthy.

When plaque on teeth (a sticky film of bacteria and bits of food) uses ...

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Baby’s first teeth

To give your child a healthy start in life, it’s important to take care of his or her teeth and gums.  That’s because if dental disease is not treated, it can cause serious health problems.

Your child’s baby (primary) teeth are important.  These teeth help your child chew and speak normally.  Baby teeth also hold space in the jaws for the adult (permanent) teeth that come in later.

A baby’s teeth start to come in (erupt) when the baby is about six ...

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Why do we have wisdom teeth?

Our adolescent patients are often anxious about wisdom teeth.  Family members and peers share stories of what happened to their wisdom teeth.

Often these stories create more questions.  Why do so many people need to have them removed?  Does everyone need to have them removed?  What will happen to my wisdom teeth?  And why are wisdom teeth even a thing?  Why do we have them?

The answer to these questions and more can be found in the video below from the Department ...

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Talking about loose teeth

Kids love to talk about teeth.  Our youngest patients love to talk about how many teeth they have.  And our bigger patients love to talk about how many teeth are falling out.  Kids love a loose tooth.  They love to discuss them.  They love to wiggle them.  They love to talk about which of their friends have one.  And they love to know when their next tooth will fall out because they love to know when the tooth fairy is ...

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Happy Halloween (for your teeth)

Halloween is right around the corner.  When all the excitement over costumes, candy and fun dies down, don’t forget that your children’s teeth might need a little extra attention.  After all, you want their teeth to be looking and feeling as good in November as they were in October.

The American Dental Association’s Mouth Healthy website has a great collection of tips for keeping mouths healthy around Halloween and all year long.  Those tips are listed below.  Continue Reading →

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