Posts Tagged 'Flossing'

Heart problems your dentist needs to know about

Have A Heart Problem? 9 Issues Your Dentist Needs To Know About

Heading to the dentist’s office with a heart-related issue? It’s important to tell your dentist about it! Your mouth and heart are linked in more ways than you might expect – and failing to inform him or her about cardiovascular problems could spell serious trouble. For your health and safety, be ...

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Taking care of braces – brushing, flossing and beyond

Flossing, Brushing, and Beyond: How to Care for Teeth with Braces

Somewhere between the braces, wires, and rubber bands in your mouth lie your teeth, but how do you get to them? Often, braces prove to be quite the obstacle when you want to brush, floss, or otherwise care for the beautiful, straight smile-in-progress. But this beautiful smile won’t be possible without proper care.

Lucky ...

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Adult anxiety and the dentist

Adult Dental Anxiety: Tips and Techniques to Tackle It for Good

Wouldn’t it be great if the promise of a sticker or balloon could get everyone to see the dentist? Most adults know that the real reward–a healthy smile–is much greater, yet many still go with their dental needs unmet, due to “dentalphobia” or anxiety. Thankfully, increased awareness of the problem is transforming dental ...

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To floss or not to floss: that is the question

To Floss or Not to Floss? That is the Question

Every six months, you visit your dentist for a regular checkup, hear about the importance of flossing, and promise you’ll start doing it daily. Naturally, you intend to follow through, but for many, this promise falls to the wayside.

While some still ponder the idea of whether they should be flossing or not, the real question should be “how much should I floss ...

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Receding gums: Are your teeth in peril?

Receding Gums: Are Your Teeth in Peril?

No cavities, no problem, right? Wrong! Even the straightest and whitest of teeth can fall prey to a serious case of receding gums, a common condition that can sneak up and do some damage before many individuals realize it’s even a problem.

While a surefire way to detect and treat it is with regular visits to the dentist, meticulous at-home monitoring and preventative care is also a great line of defense. Here’s what you should ...

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Evaluating floss alternatives

Not a Fan of Flossing? Try These Alternatives.

First there was the toothpick, then there was floss, and now there are a bevy of new dental tools making their way to the shelves of your local stores. Why the need to keep innovating? Simply put: plaque removal is just not fun…but these alternatives sure help!

For those fed up with flossing, or the many who fail to follow through with it altogether, gingivitis ...

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In defense of root canals – the unsung hero of dental care

In Defense of Root Canals: The Unsung Hero of Dental Care

Think you might need a root canal? It’s not the end of the world, nor is it as torturous as you might think! Even though a root canal is usually the last resort for decayed teeth, when compared with other alternatives, it’s quite practical and cost-effective.

Put your fears to rest by discovering the truth about this much-maligned treatment, and find out ...

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Flossing, brushing and beyond – care for teeth with braces

Flossing, Brushing, and Beyond: How to Care for Teeth with Braces

Somewhere between the braces, wires, and rubber bands in your mouth lie your teeth, but how do you get to them? Often, braces prove to be quite the obstacle when you want to brush, floss, or otherwise care for the beautiful, straight smile-in-progress. But this beautiful smile won’t be possible without proper care.

Lucky ...

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8 Everyday Habits That Harm Your Smile

8 Everyday Habits That Harm Your SmileHabits

Your teeth are supposed to last a lifetime. But some common habits could be reducing the durability of your teeth without you even realizing it.

By recognizing the habits that can compromise the structure and health of your smile, you can take steps to protect it.

  1. Avoiding Regular Dental Care

Many individuals skip regular dental cleanings or avoid getting necessary procedures due to anxiety, a lack ...

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7 Dental Hacks to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

7 Dental Hacks to Protect Your Child’s SmileHacks

Take notes, tired parents! If you’ve all but emptied your bag of tricks to get your little one to brush and floss regularly, there are still a few more cards you can put up your sleeve to help keep smiles cavity-free.

Give these sneaky (yet proven) dental hacks a try to preserve your child’s oral health:

  1. Have teeth coated with dental sealant.

Typically used to ...

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