Posts Tagged 'Marblehead MA Children’s Dentist'

Dry mouth – is it sneaking past your radar?

Dry Mouth: Is It Sneaking Past Your Radar?

A dental epidemic is brewing, and it’s called Xerostomia, or “Dry Mouth”. It sounds innocuous enough, and perhaps that is why many people affected by the problem fail to treat it, or detect it altogether. But it’s nothing to scoff at, especially considering that extreme cases of this widespread problem include difficulty swallowing, speaking, and in some instances, bacterial or fungal infection.

Even if ...

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Dentist or detective?

Dentist or Detective?
Major Health Clues Your Mouth Provides

Chew on this for a minute: just by glancing inside your mouth, your dentist can tell you a number of things that may be news to you and your doctor! Surprising as it may sound, your oral health can speak volumes about the rest of your body, and something as simple as a routine dental checkup can benefit your health and wallet big time. From harmful habits to life-threatening diseases, find out ...

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Dental checkups – don’t brush them off

Dental Checkups: Why You Should Never Brush Them Off

Your teeth look and feel just fine, so what harm can there be in skipping one checkup? Plenty… and it’s not just a free toothbrush and dental samples you’ll miss! A lot can happen in just a short period of time, and the ramifications of canceling your semi-annual dental checkup can go beyond your oral health.

If you’ve ever doubted the necessity of regular visits, these reasons will have you running for the ...

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Thinking about tooth whitening?

Choosing the Right Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

When you want to whiten your smile, there are typically two options: drugstore kits or professional treatments. While some opt for the former as a quick and less expensive fix, the latter delivers more profound, lasting results.

Of course, not all professional whitening treatments are alike. There are two primary types to consider.

Option #1: Teeth Whitening Completed by Your Dentist

If you want powerful results, a professional teeth whitening treatment by your dentist is the best ...

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What is an overbite?

Bye-Bye, Buck Teeth! How to Overcome an Overbite

“Overbite”, “overjet” or simply “buck teeth”– protruding teeth can go by many names, but “pretty” isn’t one of them. And they aren’t comfortable either; upper teeth that extend well past the lower teeth can often make it difficult to close the mouth, chew or speak easily.

It’s a common condition, but not one that people have to live with. In fact, there are just as many corrective methods for this dental problem as the ...

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Brushing tips to impress your dentist

Back to Basics: Brushing Tips to Impress Your Dentist

You’ve been brushing for as long as you can remember, but could it be you’ve been doing it incorrectly all along? From the type of bristles you choose to the level of pressure you should place on your teeth, this step-by-step guide to better brushing is chock full of tips to help you get the most out of your dental routine.

Step 1: Pick the right products.

Just as everyone’s dental situation is different, ...

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Are you and your toothpaste compatible?

Are You And Your Toothpaste Compatible? Find Out!

Brushing your teeth is a no-brainer, but did you know that the type of toothpaste you use could have a big impact on your smile? Whether your teeth are extra sensitive, need added protection, or could simply use a boost in the looks department, chances are there’s a toothpaste out there that fits the bill.

Use this detailed guide to help you pick the perfect paste (or gel) for your pearly whites.

Why Toothpaste Is ...

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About adult dental anxiety

Adult Dental Anxiety: Tips and Techniques to Tackle It for Good

Wouldn’t it be great if the promise of a sticker or balloon could get everyone to see the dentist? Most adults know that the real reward–a healthy smile–is much greater, yet many still go with their dental needs unmet, due to “dentalphobia” or anxiety. Thankfully, increased awareness of the problem is transforming dental care for the better, and shedding light on effective ways to tackle your fears for good. Find ...

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Prevent cavities

Tooth decay can begin as soon as a baby’s teeth come in.  Decay in baby teeth can cause pain.  If decay is not treated, it can destroy your child’s teeth.  An abscess (pus filled sac) from an untreated cavity can cause serious or even deadly infections.  And children with tooth decay may have trouble eating, so they don’t get enough vitamins and minerals to grow up healthy.

When plaque on teeth (a sticky film of bacteria and bits of food) uses ...

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Baby’s first teeth

To give your child a healthy start in life, it’s important to take care of his or her teeth and gums.  That’s because if dental disease is not treated, it can cause serious health problems.

Your child’s baby (primary) teeth are important.  These teeth help your child chew and speak normally.  Baby teeth also hold space in the jaws for the adult (permanent) teeth that come in later.

A baby’s teeth start to come in (erupt) when the baby is about six ...

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