Posts Tagged 'Salem Pediatric Dentist'

Toothbrushes 101

Toothbrushes 101: How to Choose and Care for Your Toothbrush

When it comes to taking care of your teeth and keeping your smile looking great, your toothbrush plays an essential role. But, how much thought do you actually give to your toothbrush when selecting one or caring for it over time? Probably not much!

Choosing the right toothbrush, caring for it, and knowing when to replace it are all essential components of ...

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TMJ: It’s nothing to yawn about

TMJ: It’s Nothing to Yawn About

Have you been ignoring that clicking sound coming from your jaw? Or are you quick to dismiss the stiff, achy feeling your mouth has in the morning? Don’t let these things go unchecked! You might find yourself in for a rude awakening.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (“TMJ” or “TMD”), a serious condition affecting the connective joint between the skull and jaw, often gets overlooked until it becomes severe. ...

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The wise patient’s cheat sheet on wisdom teeth removal

The Wise Patient’s Cheat Sheet on Wisdom Teeth Removal

There’s no way around it: the time has come for your wisdom teeth to be extracted. According to the horror stories out there, you are in for nothing but non-stop agony, but you don’t have to share the same fate!

Being proactive and fully prepared for what happens during and after surgery can minimize the pain and help ensure a smooth recovery. Make the ...

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Straight talk – the best time for braces

Straight Talk: The Best Time for Braces

Is your child starting to lose baby teeth? If so, you might want to shift your focus from playing the tooth fairy to researching orthodontists.

Scheduling an examination for braces is probably not as fun as putting money under your child’s pillow, but based on new developments – as well as advice from the American Academy of Orthodontics ...

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Your child’s sippy cup – friend or foe?

Your Child’s Sippy Cup: Is it a Friend or Foe?

Shaped like your child’s favorite action heroes and in every vibrant color imaginable, sippy cups seem like an innocent way to prevent spills. But with increased cavities and speech issues abound, pediatric dentists have recent research suggesting that what was once a friend is now a foe.

Of course, sippy cups can play an integral role in your child’s development. But in light ...

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Receding gums: Are your teeth in peril?

Receding Gums: Are Your Teeth in Peril?

No cavities, no problem, right? Wrong! Even the straightest and whitest of teeth can fall prey to a serious case of receding gums, a common condition that can sneak up and do some damage before many individuals realize it’s even a problem.

While a surefire way to detect and treat it is with regular visits to the dentist, meticulous at-home monitoring and preventative care is also a great line of defense. Here’s what you should ...

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Dental problems parents pass down to children

Nature vs. Nurture: Dental Problems Parents Pass Down To Children

Parents, in particular, want to know: does DNA predetermine dental health? It’s the classic nature vs. nurture question that dentists get asked often, but the answer doesn’t simply boil down to one or the other. The scary truth is that many dental problems are indeed “inherited”–but not from genetics alone! Harmful habits that run in the family can also play a huge ...

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Let’s clear the air – Smokeless tobacco still means trouble!

Let’s Clear The Air: Smokeless Tobacco Still Means Trouble!

Chew it, dip it, suck it or “snuff” it–there’s no smoke involved with many forms of tobacco, but no matter how you use it, you’re still playing with fire! While cigarettes catch a lot of heat for causing lung cancer, many don’t realize that other types of nicotine use can be just as damaging to your general and oral health. Before reaching for ...

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Flossing, brushing and beyond – care for teeth with braces

Flossing, Brushing, and Beyond: How to Care for Teeth with Braces

Somewhere between the braces, wires, and rubber bands in your mouth lie your teeth, but how do you get to them? Often, braces prove to be quite the obstacle when you want to brush, floss, or otherwise care for the beautiful, straight smile-in-progress. But this beautiful smile won’t be possible without proper care.

Lucky ...

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Dental checkups – don’t brush them off

Dental Checkups: Why You Should Never Brush Them Off

Your teeth look and feel just fine, so what harm can there be in skipping one checkup? Plenty… and it’s not just a free toothbrush and dental samples you’ll miss! A lot can happen in just a short period of time, and the ramifications of canceling your semi-annual dental checkup can go beyond your oral health.

If you’ve ever doubted the necessity of regular visits, these reasons will have you running for the ...

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