Posts Tagged 'Teething'

Talking about loose teeth

Kids love to talk about teeth.  Our youngest patients love to talk about how many teeth they have.  And our bigger patients love to talk about how many teeth are falling out.  Kids love a loose tooth.  They love to discuss them.  They love to wiggle them.  They love to talk about which of their friends have one.  And they love to know when their next tooth will fall out because they love to know when the tooth fairy is ...

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Extra teeth?

A common question among new patients at our office is, “Does my child have the right number of teeth?”  The answer depends on the age of the child.

Newborn children rarely have teeth.  However, a small percentage of babies are born with one or more teeth already present.  These teeth are known as natal teeth and are often removed because they frequently have underdeveloped roots and pose a choking risk for an infant.

During the first 2-3 years of a child’s life, ...

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A checkup at age one?

New parents often ask, “When should my child first see a dentist?”

The short answer is “First visit by first birthday.” That is the view of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and pediatricians agree. ...

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Don’t use Orajel for your teething baby

If your baby is around 6 months of age and is keeping you up at night, they are probably experiencing teething pain.  Classic signs of the impending arrival of new teeth include sore or tender gums, drooling, chewing on hard objects and irritability.

As a parent, you want to do whatever you can to help relieve the pain and soothe your baby.  After all, a sleepless, cranky baby affects the whole family.  Here are some tips to soothe sore gums:

  • Gently rub ...
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