Posts Tagged 'toothbrush'

The story on soda

The Story on Soda:
Your Soft Drink Questions Answered

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the reality is that no matter how refreshing that sweet, fizzy soda (or “pop”) tastes, there’s a chance it could be doing some damage to your teeth. But with so many products on the market, are they all really that bad for you?

Answers to some of your most pressing soft drink questions are about to be ...

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The dirt on “dragon breath” and how to slay it for good

The Dirt on “Dragon Breath” And How to Slay It for Good

There’s a reason people commonly refer to halitosis as “dragon breath”: it’s a beast of an oral health problem that can put off anyone within close range! Mints and mouthwashes can mask the issue, but in order to truly defeat it, you’ll need to treat the underlying cause.

If you’ve dealt with morning breath, or struggle with bad breath throughout the ...

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Taste loss – could it be a dental problem?

Taste Loss: Could It Be a Dental Problem?

Most people know that poor oral hygiene results in cavities and gum disease, but did you know that it can also cause taste loss? From salty to sweet, spicy to savory – failing to take proper care of your mouth can impede your ability to taste and enjoy just about any type of food set before you. Dentists call this condition “dysguesia”, and if you haven’t heard about it, here’s what you should ...

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5 steps to solving the sweets problem

Parent’s Cheat Sheet: 5 Steps to Solving the Sweets Problem

Birthday celebrations, holidays, and countless school or extracurricular activities in between children’s social calendars can seem like endless fun, until you realize they can also translate into a non-stop, cavity-inducing sugar high. This doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that your child is destined for a long list of dental problems. Use this dental cheat sheet when a special occasion arises to keep his or her smile cavity-free. Continue Reading →


Receding gums: Are your teeth in peril?

Receding Gums: Are Your Teeth in Peril?

No cavities, no problem, right? Wrong! Even the straightest and whitest of teeth can fall prey to a serious case of receding gums, a common condition that can sneak up and do some damage before many individuals realize it’s even a problem.

While a surefire way to detect and treat it is with regular visits to the dentist, meticulous at-home monitoring and preventative care is also a great line of defense. Here’s what you should ...

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Dental problems parents pass down to children

Nature vs. Nurture: Dental Problems Parents Pass Down To Children

Parents, in particular, want to know: does DNA predetermine dental health? It’s the classic nature vs. nurture question that dentists get asked often, but the answer doesn’t simply boil down to one or the other. The scary truth is that many dental problems are indeed “inherited”–but not from genetics alone! Harmful habits that run in the family can also play a huge ...

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High tech toothbrushes – Is it worth going electric?

High-Tech Toothbrushes: Is It Worth Going Electric?

The verdict is in: electric toothbrushes are here to stay, and they mean business for your teeth! By now, you’ve probably seen them on the shelves, on TV or in magazines. Dentists endorse them, and most are ADA-approved — but if you still swear by your manual toothbrush, these benefits just might convince you otherwise.

The Pros Of ...

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Flossing, brushing and beyond – care for teeth with braces

Flossing, Brushing, and Beyond: How to Care for Teeth with Braces

Somewhere between the braces, wires, and rubber bands in your mouth lie your teeth, but how do you get to them? Often, braces prove to be quite the obstacle when you want to brush, floss, or otherwise care for the beautiful, straight smile-in-progress. But this beautiful smile won’t be possible without proper care.

Lucky ...

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Dental checkups – don’t brush them off

Dental Checkups: Why You Should Never Brush Them Off

Your teeth look and feel just fine, so what harm can there be in skipping one checkup? Plenty… and it’s not just a free toothbrush and dental samples you’ll miss! A lot can happen in just a short period of time, and the ramifications of canceling your semi-annual dental checkup can go beyond your oral health.

If you’ve ever doubted the necessity of regular visits, these reasons will have you running for the ...

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Thinking about tooth whitening?

Choosing the Right Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

When you want to whiten your smile, there are typically two options: drugstore kits or professional treatments. While some opt for the former as a quick and less expensive fix, the latter delivers more profound, lasting results.

Of course, not all professional whitening treatments are alike. There are two primary types to consider.

Option #1: Teeth Whitening Completed by Your Dentist

If you want powerful results, a professional teeth whitening treatment by your dentist is the best ...

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