Posts Tagged 'wisdom teeth'

5 Smart Questions to Ask Your Dentist

5 Smart Questions to Ask Your DentistQuestions

Have a dental appointment scheduled sometime soon? Sit back, relax and get ready to open your mouth – but not just to have it examined! Taking your smile to the next level involves more than just a routine checkup and cleaning; for truly noticeable changes, you’ll need to start off by having an in-depth chat with your dentist. Make the most out of your next ...

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Why do we have wisdom teeth?

Our adolescent patients are often anxious about wisdom teeth.  Family members and peers share stories of what happened to their wisdom teeth.

Often these stories create more questions.  Why do so many people need to have them removed?  Does everyone need to have them removed?  What will happen to my wisdom teeth?  And why are wisdom teeth even a thing?  Why do we have them?

The answer to these questions and more can be found in the video below from the Department ...

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Talking about loose teeth

Kids love to talk about teeth.  Our youngest patients love to talk about how many teeth they have.  And our bigger patients love to talk about how many teeth are falling out.  Kids love a loose tooth.  They love to discuss them.  They love to wiggle them.  They love to talk about which of their friends have one.  And they love to know when their next tooth will fall out because they love to know when the tooth fairy is ...

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Extra teeth?

A common question among new patients at our office is, “Does my child have the right number of teeth?”  The answer depends on the age of the child.

Newborn children rarely have teeth.  However, a small percentage of babies are born with one or more teeth already present.  These teeth are known as natal teeth and are often removed because they frequently have underdeveloped roots and pose a choking risk for an infant.

During the first 2-3 years of a child’s life, ...

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Wisdom teeth

Our teenage patients are usually aware of the existence of wisdom teeth and commonly ask questions about them.  Those questions almost always involve some variation on, “Do I need to have them removed?” and “Will it hurt?”.

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that grow into our mouths, most commonly between the ages of 18 and 20.  By the time these teeth are ready to erupt into the mouth, there are usually 28 adult teeth already present.  If there ...

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Be smart about wisdom teeth

Most children have heard of wisdom teeth.  Friends, older siblings and parents will share tales of wisdom teeth and the problems they cause.  As a result, children are often unnecessarily nervous about wisdom teeth.  How much do you and your children really know about wisdom teeth and how they are evaluated?

The last teeth to erupt into the mouth are the third molars, also known as the wisdom teeth.  For most patients, this occurs around 18 years of age (presumably the ...

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No more wisdom teeth?

Is it possible that third molars, more commonly known as wisdom teeth, could be eliminated by a specific type of treatment at a young age?  NBC News is reporting on research conducted by our own Dr. Jerry Swee that seeks to answer that very question.  While the results are far from conclusive, they certainly raise many interesting questions about the possibility of eliminating potentially problematic teeth years before they cause any problems.

Read the full NBS ...

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