Posts Tagged 'bottle rot'

Dentist or detective?

Dentist or Detective?
Major Health Clues Your Mouth Provides

Chew on this for a minute: just by glancing inside your mouth, your dentist can tell you a number of things that may be news to you and your doctor! Surprising as it may sound, your oral health can speak volumes about the rest of your body, and something as simple as a routine dental checkup can benefit your health and wallet big time. From harmful habits to life-threatening diseases, find out ...

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Dental 911

Dental 911: How to Handle Common Teeth Crises

Dental nightmares can come true, as much as you hope it doesn’t happen to you! If you’re lucky, a quick call to the dentist can get you seen immediately, but what happens if disaster strikes when the office is closed, you’re traveling, or some other less than ideal scenario? Find out how you can help manage the situation until you get the professional care you need.

What to Do If…

You have a fractured ...

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Prevent cavities

Tooth decay can begin as soon as a baby’s teeth come in.  Decay in baby teeth can cause pain.  If decay is not treated, it can destroy your child’s teeth.  An abscess (pus filled sac) from an untreated cavity can cause serious or even deadly infections.  And children with tooth decay may have trouble eating, so they don’t get enough vitamins and minerals to grow up healthy.

When plaque on teeth (a sticky film of bacteria and bits of food) uses ...

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Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Have you heard of “baby bottle tooth decay” or “bottle rot”?  Parents know they don’t want their children to have it, but many don’t know how it happens or what they can do to prevent it.

Baby teeth, even when they first arrive in the mouth, are susceptible to tooth decay.  It is important to protect these teeth from decay so a child’s smile will look good, feel good and function properly.  The baby teeth are essential for eating, speech development, ...

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